Renaissance Housing Rehabilitation Program Application


Type of Ownership
Type of Dwelling Unit
Check Below the Repairs Needed

Accessory structure repairs may only be a portion of the main project ( shed, garage, etc) to be determined upon review.


I/We hereby grant permission to the City of Cornwall or its agent to carry out necessary inquiries for the purpose of verifying acccuracy of information contained herein;

I/We hereby authorize an inspection of my/our property;

I/We acknowledge that nay work carried out prior to receipt of written confirmation of Renaissance Housing loan approval by CPPEG is not eligible;

I/We acknowledge that I/We understand the terms and conditions that shall govern any loan that may be approved;

I/We hereby confirm that I/We am/are the owenrs(s) of the said property, and no other entity or person having any matrimonial interest contained herin is true.

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